Tuesday 5 July 2011

Understanding Reverse Mortgages

Reverse mortgage is a unique and often misunderstood, a home equity loan that is tailored specifically for homeowners over 62 years. This type of mortgage is different than traditional mortgages in several key ways, the age limit is only the first requirement for qualification.

During the years of making mortgage payments build equity in your home, that equity can be removed to provide the owner with the funds can go a long way to help your standard of living, reducing their medical expenses, make home improvements or even a dream vacation that has been disabled.

Benefit from a traditional loan requires the borrower has a debt ratio good income, which means that the income to make monthly mortgage payments with ease, while not affect their ability to pay bills and other debts, like car payments or utility bills.

In order to obtain a reverse mortgage you must meet income eligibility guidelines, you can get even if you have income levels.

In addition to being a homeowner at least 62 years, the borrower is fully own their home winning (ie no deposit account) or have a mortgage with a low equilibrium. The balance must be low enough to be paid in full at the time of closing with the proceeds of your reverse mortgage.

Another key requirement is that the house is your principal residence, you may not get such a mortgage of rental housing or other property you may own, but do not live in

However, you can use the money from the capital to acquire additional properties. There are no restrictions as to what money can be spent.

The reverse mortgage does not have to be returned to the lender, as long as you and other lenders approved to use the property as your principal residence. The reverse mortgage does not cover expenses such as insurance or property taxes as a conventional mortgage loan account, there is no trust account to handle these expenses. You can also contact the lender for a reverse mortgage quote.

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